Saturday, September 11, 2021

Kindergarten Happenings!

 We had a great second week of school!  We were busy practicing rules and routines.  We visited the garden, worked on letters in the alphabet, learned on shapes and much much more.  We earned marbles, stickers and did an amazing job at our class pictures! Here are some pictures from our week!  Hope you enjoy them.

Alphabet Arc - The students will match upper or lowercase letters to the letters on the arc.  Students will practice naming the letters in abc order.  We will also practice creating our names and other words that we may know or learn throughout the year.  

Mat man- Mat man helps us learn how to draw a person and include parts of our bodies. It also helps us remember to use thickness when drawing people and not draw lines or stick people.  We listened to the song "mat man" and then practiced building him with manipulatives. Afterwards we worked on drawing a person.  We will continue to practice drawing people, adding detail and using different colors. They did a great job for their first time. 

Visiting the garden
We discovered many things at the garden. 
Cherry tomatoes, pumpkins, asparagus, flowers, strawberries and so much more. 

Look at that kale!

Some things were ready, some were not and some were even a bit rotten. 
The next day we took our findings inside and looked closely at them. We then drew what we saw! 

Our little scientists! 

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom
We read a great book, sang the song and then colored our own chicka trees.  The children then had the letters of their name for the tree.  Many of them decided to place the letters so they could spell their name but some of them placed them randomly.  Either way we practiced identifying the letters in our names. Next week I hope to do a STEM activity with them using the chicka tree! 

We are working on 3 star coloring
1. Stay in the lines
2. Fill the white space
3. Use colors that make sense
This will be something we work on all year.  

Choice time!  One of the favorite times in the day. 
Building with pattern blocks, playing with legos and so many fun activities. 

Self Portraits - We will make a book this year and draw a self portrait for each month. It is fun to see the progression your child makes in their drawings. 
Frog visitor at recess.  This big guy was hiding in the rocks.  He wasn't moving much but I think he was scared.  The kids loved seeing him but then I brought him back to the pond where he happily swam off!  The kids thought it was funny because he did pee on me on our trip back to the pond.  LOL 

Shapes, shapes and more shapes.  The students colored & cut out shapes.  They then glued them into a book. We will keep their books at school for a little while but when they go home it would be great to review the shape poems and names of shapes with them.  

Well as you can see our class picture was a huge success!!  We are one good looking group!  I hope you enjoy the picture as much as we do!  We even gave you our BEST smiles! 
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!  I look forward to seeing you at Open House on Thursday night.  This is an adult event so hopefully some of you can make it.  If not I will send home any information that I pass out that night.  Let me know if you have any questions!! 

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