Sunday, December 20, 2020

Kindergarten Happenings!

 Another great week in kindergarten!  We were very busy finishing up some activities and making special things.  We had fun making reindeer hats, reindeer bags for our special family treats, and a holiday card.  We also worked on some counting with a holiday math write the room.  This one was a little tricky because it was counting objects 1-20.  Cohort A was able to write about their favorite thing about the month of December.  Cohort B will do this when we return.  Here are some pictures from the week.  Hope you enjoy them! 

Cohort A was able to do work board on Monday.
Agatha and Nikolai are working on rhyming reindeer. 
Cooper is working on spelling CVC words
HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Sophina!  Sophina's birthday was December 9th.  We celebrated her day that week but forgot to grab a picture of her in her hat.  So, I made a new hat for her so we could capture that fabulous smile and wish her Happy Birthday once again!  Hope you had a fabulous day Sophina.  
We wrote about our favorite things to do in December. 

Nikolai is working on sequencing the alphabet by finding the missing letter. 

Here are our little reindeer! 
SNOW MUCH FUN at recess! 

We worked on our December self-portraits.

We walked around the room and did our math holiday counting. 

Here are some more of our little reindeer!  
We had a great week and accomplished a lot.  
We are now moving into 2.5 days of remote learning before the vacation.  I look forward to seeing everyone on Zoom!  I wish it was in person but glad we will be able to see one another.  Monday is pajamas day and stuffed animals and Tuesday is dress in your holiday gear!  Let's have some fun and do our best work!  

Saturday, December 12, 2020

Kindergarten Happenings!

What a week!  Two marble parties to celebrate hard work and great behavior!  We have also seen and heard many nice things happening throughout the day!  Friends supporting one another with encouraging words, saying kind things and helping one another while still remaining safe!  Way to go kindergarten!! We are so PROUD of you!!  

This week we also wrote in our journals, practiced syllables, unscrambling sentences, practiced handwriting,  and sight words.  We also worked on classifying objects and making numbers in different ways.  We had a chance to read from our browsing boxes and play with our friends.  The most exciting part was outdoor recess and playing in the snow!  They had a blast! Here are some pictures from out week.

Hadley working hard at home!!  Excellent job!  Looks like you have an amazing space for your remote work!  It will come in handy in the next few weeks!  
We would like to welcome Harmony to our class!  Her first day was last week.  She joined cohort B. It is great to have you Harmony!!
Journal writing
The children are working hard on their illustrations and writing.  Some friends are trying to write on their own while others are more comfortable with assistance.  As the year progresses, their confidence will grow.  Right now I focus on phonetic spelling (sounding out - not necessarily correct spelling) and spelling sight words correctly, especially the ones we have learned. 
They are working hard and trying their best so that it what we want to see!  

Syllable Sort
The children each had a Menorah with the numbers 1, 2, 3 on them.  They then had to sort the pictures on the candles by the number of syllables they have. For example if the picture was a snowflake, they would tap out the word and put it on the Menorah with the #2, tree on the Menorah with the #1 and so forth.  They are doing well with syllables and we will continue to review them all year.  
Cohort A - Snow Fun!
They loved the snow pile although it can get pretty messy.  

Making an icy snowman.
The snow was a bit icy on Monday & Tuesday.  

Tapping out syllables 
Unscrambling sentences
The students had 5 sentences to unscramble and organize correctly. We focused on the things we knew about sentences. Capital at the beginning, punctuation at the end and does it make sense?

Journal writing for Cohort B

Snow Much Fun!! 
The snow on Thursday & Friday was perfect for building.  

Ari made a slide!

Rolling snowballs to make a snowman
The girls were inspired in art and decided to do some drawing and writing during choice time. 
Emily is working on a birthday card for her mom and Hannah & Scarlett are drawing ROYGBIV.

Practicing capital letters on the HWT ipad app.
Danny is working on a Fundations puzzle!  He even put the letters in ABC order when he was done. 
Choice time!

Star Time - Reading Books

Sentence scramble 
More outdoor fun! 

As you can see we had a great week!  Looking forward to next week!