Thursday, February 26, 2015

100th day of school

We had a great day celebrating the 100th day of school. Here are some of the day's highlights!  
Wearing our 100th day hats and glasses.

Anthony, Avery & Robert all came in with 100 LEGOS displayed in different ways.

Samantha brought in a picture with 100 flowers and Sofia brought in 100 crayons made into a wreath! 

Caleb, Aidan, Caleb & Jono each brought in some creative projects. A Minecraft creeper face, 100 farm stickers, a lion and tree made out of Pom poms and 100 retired football cards!

Bailee and Anthony each brought in a necklace. One was made with buttons and one with beads. Lilly brought in a centipede made from 100 Pom poms. 

David, Luka and Brady each brought in 100 coins. One was a bag of toy coins, one coins from all over the world and one was 100 pennies.  

Jono and Anthony made a Star Wars creation with pattern blocks. 

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Outside on a sunny day!

The kids were thrilled to go out for recess today. Some jumped right in and slid down hills while others enjoyed walking around our snow filled playground. 

Friday, February 13, 2015

Valentine love

The children wanted to send you some Valentine kisses!  Hope you have a wonderful Valentine's Day filled with love!