Another busy week in kindergarten! On Monday, we wrote about our weekend in our journals. Some of the children shared the pencil with us or helped by telling us any sounds they may know. It is truly amazing to watch how much they learn and grow just by looking at their journals.
The alphabet arc works on letter identification, matching, sounds, and words.
Once your child has matched the letters we can provide them with
challenges based on areas of strengths and areas of need.
Math manipulatives
Matching apple trees and baskets.
Sequencing numbers 1-20 using sticks. Once they are put in the correct sequence, it creates a picture!
Counting seeds on a watermelon and clipping the correct number.
Practicing writing numbers in our HWT workbook.
This week we worked on numbers 3, 4 & 5.
Practicing cutting ~ an important skill to have and it helps to strengthen our hands.
"Thumbs up when we cut, when we cut, when we cut..."
Practicing our three star coloring. We read a story about recess rules and then asked the children to color one page using three star coloring. Some children wanted to do more which of course we said of course you can!
practicing some of our sight words
Mrs. Amaral came in to talk to us about germs. We talked about good hand washing, covering our mouth with our elbow when we cough or sneeze and after using a tissue to wash our hands. Hopefully this will help to keep us healthy and free of colds this year.
We put some special lotion on our hands and then looked
under a special light to see the germs on our hands.
Afterwards we had to wash our hands and look again to see if we were good "germ busters".
Push pin art
This is a fun activity that helps build our finger muscles and pincher grasp. The children us a push pin to poke holes in a picture where the dots are located. Afterwards it looks pretty cool! The children enjoyed this activity.
Working on our number book
Lego fun - building a fort
Working in pairs to find the different ways to make five.
They used red/yellow child and crayons to show the different ways.
More fine motor strength building
Using tongs to pick out the beads. Afterwards the children sorted the beads by color and answered some math related questions. More/less/same
We wrote about our favorite thing to do. Aubree and a few other friends really wanted to write their own words as I sounded each word out. They did a terrific job! She is using a sight word card to find a word she needed to spell.
Great job staying on the lines Nate!
Another writer working hard.
Jordan celebrated her 6th birthday on Friday! We sang the birthday song and she enjoyed wearing her birthday hat! We hope you had a terrific day Jordan!!
As you can see we are very busy learning and practicing routines throughout the day. We introduced the special seats to the class and the children had a chance to try them out. They are really excited about using them. Thank you everyone for stopping in and coming to the Open House. It was so nice to see everyone, although it was a quick visit! I will be out on Monday for a training but the children will be in good hands. I know they will do a terrific job!! Enjoy the beautiful weekend!