We had a "marbulous week" and filled our jar! The children were super excited about our marble party today and loved having their stuffed friends with them for the day!
Here are some pictures from our hard working week!
We began writing in our journals this week. We begin with a teacher writing what the child says but as the year moves along the children begin writing and sound out words. It is amazing to see how much they learn from September to June!
We encourage details and the use of different colors. We focus on thickness when drawing people and animals and try to stay away from stick figures. We also use step draws to help children when they are drawing.
Alphabet Arc - We will use this arc for many activities.
Working with partners to show ways to make 5!
Fine Motor Fun
The girls above are using tongs to pick beads out of rice. This is a great way to strengthen finger muscles. We also included some math questions once all the beads were fished out. They sorted, counted and compared the beads.
Finger exercises - practicing circles, big & little lines from the top, zig zags and curved lines.
Push pin art - using push pins to work on our pinch grip
We did the letter "Aa" and added apples to our tree.
Hole punching the letter "Aa" ~ another way to strengthen our hands
Choice time! Look at these smiles!
Writing center is becoming very popular! They love drawing, coloring and creating!
Dramatic play! Another popular activity!
Whisper phones - I introduced whisper phones to the children. They are a great tool to use so they can hear themselves read and also a great way to work on those whisper voices because when you have a phone your voice sounds pretty loud unless you really whisper.
Daily Five
Read to Self ~ We keep working on our stamina but we are only at 5 minutes right now. So we introduced Word Work. Word work involves activities to help us with letters/sounds, building words, sentences and more. Our first time we worked for 10 solid minutes! Way to go!!
We introduced wikki sticks to make letters / words and practiced sight words with read it, build it write it! The kids really enjoyed these to activities!
I hope everyone has a fabulous weekend!